Typing when Disabled

Typing without functioning limbs is very slow. When I was stronger, my peak touch typing speed was 100 words per minute. That was almost an acceptable typing speed for me. However I am now reduced to 8 words per minute if I strain myself very hard. I lost my ability to touch type years ago so now I use an on-screen keyboard. This the same as a smart phone keyboard but I use my mouse to click each letter instead.

I have tried speech recognition but it is garbage. My disease has altered my voice just enough that these programs can’t recognize my speech. Talking is also tiring for me so even dictation is out.

One solution I found is using a Sip and Puff switch to type with morse code. It is a straw that detects sucking(sip) and blowing(puff) and converts it into a switch. This switch then plugs into a microcontroller that converts the morse code into a usb keyboard. With practice users can get 30wpm using this technique. Turning this 30 minute blog post into a 10 minute blog post.